Formal API

The formal API of Chairmarks is defined by the docstrings of public symbols. Any behavior promised by these docstrings should remain in all future non-breaking releases and any deviation is a bug. Specific display behavior is not part of the API.

struct Sample
    evals              ::Float64 # The number of times the benchmark was evaluated for this sample.
    time               ::Float64 # The average time taken to run the sample, in seconds per evaluation.
    allocs             ::Float64 # The average number of allocations made per evaluation
    bytes              ::Float64 # The average number of bytes allocated per evaluation
    gc_fraction        ::Float64 # The fraction of time spent in garbage collection (0.0 to 1.0)
    compile_fraction   ::Float64 # The fraction of time spent compiling (0.0 to 1.0)
    recompile_fraction ::Float64 # The fraction of compile time which was, itself, recompilation (0.0 to 1.0)
    warmup             ::Float64 # Whether this sample had a warmup run before it (1.0 = yes. 0.0 = no).
    checksum           ::Float64 # A checksum based on the values returned by the benchmarked function
    ...more fields may be added...

A struct representing a single sample of a benchmark.

@b returns a composite sample formed by taking the field-wise minimum of the measured samples. More fields may be added in the future as more information becomes available.

struct Benchmark
    ...more fields may be added...

A struct representing a complete benchmark result. Returned by @be.

More fields may be added in the future to represent non sample specific information.

The functions minimum and maximum are defined field wise on Benchmark objects and return Samples. On Julia 1.9 and above, the functions Statistics.median, Statistics.mean, and Statistics.quantile are also defined field wise on Benchmark objects and return Samples.

julia> @be eval(:(for _ in 1:10; sqrt(rand()); end))
Benchmark: 15 samples with 1 evaluation
min    4.307 ms (3608 allocs: 173.453 KiB, 92.21% compile time)
median 4.778 ms (3608 allocs: 173.453 KiB, 94.65% compile time)
mean   6.494 ms (3608 allocs: 173.453 KiB, 94.15% compile time)
max    12.021 ms (3608 allocs: 173.453 KiB, 95.03% compile time)

julia> minimum(ans)
4.307 ms (3608 allocs: 173.453 KiB, 92.21% compile time)
@b [[init] setup] f [teardown] keywords...

Benchmark f and return the fastest Sample.

Use @be for full results.

@b args... is equivalent to minimum(@b args...). See the docstring for @be for more information.


julia> @b rand(10000) # Benchmark a function
5.833 μs (2 allocs: 78.172 KiB)

julia> @b rand hash # How long does it take to hash a random Float64?
1.757 ns

julia> @b rand(1000) sort issorted(_) || error() # Simultaneously benchmark and test
11.291 μs (3 allocs: 18.062 KiB)

julia> @b rand(1000) sort! issorted(_) || error() # BAD! This repeatedly resorts the same array!
1.309 μs (0.08 allocs: 398.769 bytes)

julia> @b rand(1000) sort! issorted(_) || error() evals=1 # Specify evals=1 to ensure the function is only run once between setup and teardown
10.041 μs (2 allocs: 10.125 KiB)

julia> @b rand(10) _ sort!∘rand! issorted(_) || error() # Or, include randomization in the benchmarked function and only allocate once
120.536 ns

julia> @b (x = 0; for _ in 1:50; x = hash(x); end; x) # We can use arbitrary expressions in any position in the pipeline, not just simple functions.
183.871 ns

julia> @b (x = 0; for _ in 1:5e8; x = hash(x); end; x) # This runs for a long time, so it is only run once (with no warmup)
2.447 s (without a warmup)
@be [[init] setup] f [teardown] keywords...

Benchmark f and return the results as a Benchmark.

Use @b for abbreviated results.

Positional argument pipeline syntax

The four positional arguments form a pipeline with the return value of each passed as an argument to the next. Consequently, the first expression in the pipeline must be a nullary function. If you use a symbol like rand, it will be interpreted as a function and called normally. If you use any other expression, it will be interpreted as the body of a nullary function. For example in @be rand(10) the function being benchmarked is () -> rand(10).

Later positions in the pipeline must be unary functions. As with the first function, you may provide either a function, or an expression. However, the rules are slightly different. If the expression you provide contains an _ as an rvalue (which would otherwise error), it is interpreted as a unary function and any such occurrences of _ are replaced with result from the previous function in the pipeline. For example, in @be rand(10) sort(_, rev=true) the setup function is () -> rand(10) and the primary function is x -> sort(x, rev=true). If the expression you provide does not contain an _ as an rvalue, it is assumed to produce a function and is called with the result from the previous function in the pipeline. For example, in @be rand(10) sort!∘shuffle!, the primary function is simply sort!∘shuffle! and receives no preprocessing. @macroexpand can help elucidate what is going on in specific cases.

Positional argument disambiguation

setup, teardown, and init are optional and are parsed with that precedence giving these possible forms:

@be f
@be setup f
@be setup f teardown
@be init setup f teardown

You may use an underscore _ to provide other combinations of arguments. For example, you may provide a teardown and no setup with

@be _ f teardown

Keyword arguments

Provide keyword arguments using name=value syntax similar to how you provide keyword arguments to ordinary functions. Keyword arguments to control executions are

  • evals::Integer How many function evaluations to perform in each sample. Defaults to automatic calibration.
  • samples::Integer Maximum number of samples to take. Defaults to unlimited and cannot be specified without also specifying evals. Specifying samples = 0 will cause @be to run the warmup sample only and return that sample.
  • seconds::Real Maximum amount of time to spend benchmarking. Defaults to 0.1 seconds unless samples is specified in which case it defaults to 1 second. Set to Inf to disable the time limit. Compile time is typically not counted against this limit. A reasonable effort is made to respect the time limit, but it is always exceeded by a small about (less than 1%) and can be significantly exceeded when benchmarking long running functions.

Evaluation model

At a high level, the implementation of this function looks like this

x = init()
results = []
for sample in 1:samples
    y = setup(x)

    t0 = time()

    z = f(y)
    for _ in 2:evals

    push!(results, time()-t0)


So init will be called once, setup and teardown will be called once per sample, and f will be called evals times per sample.


julia> @be rand(10000) # Benchmark a function
Benchmark: 267 samples with 2 evaluations
min    8.500 μs (2 allocs: 78.172 KiB)
median 10.354 μs (2 allocs: 78.172 KiB)
mean   159.639 μs (2 allocs: 78.172 KiB, 0.37% gc time)
max    39.579 ms (2 allocs: 78.172 KiB, 99.93% gc time)

julia> @be rand hash # How long does it take to hash a random Float64?
Benchmark: 4967 samples with 10805 evaluations
min    1.758 ns
median 1.774 ns
mean   1.820 ns
max    5.279 ns

julia> @be rand(1000) sort issorted(_) || error() # Simultaneously benchmark and test
Benchmark: 2689 samples with 2 evaluations
min    9.771 μs (3 allocs: 18.062 KiB)
median 11.562 μs (3 allocs: 18.062 KiB)
mean   14.933 μs (3 allocs: 18.097 KiB, 0.04% gc time)
max    4.916 ms (3 allocs: 20.062 KiB, 99.52% gc time)

julia> @be rand(1000) sort! issorted(_) || error() # BAD! This repeatedly resorts the same array!
Benchmark: 2850 samples with 13 evaluations
min    1.647 μs (0.15 allocs: 797.538 bytes)
median 1.971 μs (0.15 allocs: 797.538 bytes)
mean   2.212 μs (0.15 allocs: 800.745 bytes, 0.03% gc time)
max    262.163 μs (0.15 allocs: 955.077 bytes, 98.95% gc time)

julia> @be rand(1000) sort! issorted(_) || error() evals=1 # Specify evals=1 to ensure the function is only run once between setup and teardown
Benchmark: 6015 samples with 1 evaluation
min    9.666 μs (2 allocs: 10.125 KiB)
median 10.916 μs (2 allocs: 10.125 KiB)
mean   12.330 μs (2 allocs: 10.159 KiB, 0.02% gc time)
max    6.883 ms (2 allocs: 12.125 KiB, 99.56% gc time)

julia> @be rand(10) _ sort!∘rand! issorted(_) || error() # Or, include randomization in the benchmarked function and only allocate once
Benchmark: 3093 samples with 237 evaluations
min    121.308 ns
median 126.055 ns
mean   128.108 ns
max    303.447 ns

julia> @be (x = 0; for _ in 1:50; x = hash(x); end; x) # We can use arbitrary expressions in any position in the pipeline, not just simple functions.
Benchmark: 3387 samples with 144 evaluations
min    183.160 ns
median 184.611 ns
mean   188.869 ns
max    541.667 ns

julia> @be (x = 0; for _ in 1:5e8; x = hash(x); end; x) # This runs for a long time, so it is only run once (with no warmup)
Benchmark: 1 sample with 1 evaluation
       2.488 s (without a warmup)